Ben Gold
Ben Gold
I don't think any changes are needed to SuperDirt or tidal-midi, but it's worth keeping in mind that they may interpret parameters a bit differently, most notably `sustain` and `decay`....
Something similar would be ``` let rvb a b = room a # size b d1 $ sound "bd" # rvb (scale 0.2 0.4 sine1) "0.2 0.4" ``` If you...
Ah, somehow I missed this and was recently thinking of something similar. Coalescing rests is actually rather tricky since patterns have all sorts of overlapping things going on. As for...
I don't think you actually want `unit "c"`; if you want to play the second half of the sample it's just `begin 0.5` in the "normal" units.
This is because `"{x(3,8), y ~ ~}"` is expanded to `"{[x ~ ~ x ~ ~ x ~], y ~ ~}"`. The Euclidean stuff gets wrapped in an implicit `[]`....
Right now the parser sees the entire `c'maj7'8` as one unit, so the individual pieces aren't patternable. Not sure what it would take to change that, but it would be...
I like the general idea of using `Arc` internally but changing the interface of `within`. Are there any other "user" functions that take an Arc as an argument? For the...
To answer my first question, `zoom`, `compress` (and related), and `revArc` are about the only functions that I suspect most users would run into that take Arcs
I would imagine the tricky part is that this would mean every Value type would have to contain some kind of "null", which means you have to figure out how...
Is the issue basically that GHC isn't able to compose something like `f $ g $ h $ pat` into `(f . g . h) pat` where the latter has...