Ben Gold
Ben Gold
FWIW, on the SuperDirt end of things you can get samples, effects, and global effects with something like ``` // sample information ~dirt.postSampleInfo // for a printout, or to get...
I believe all the resonances are hard-limited in SuperDirt, and usually the lower limit of the frequencies (LPFs tend to blow up at zero frequency). I can check and put...
What I'm a bit surprised about is that there's already a limit of in the LPF, but maybe it's not real well-behaved right at the limit?
superchip uses a UGen that emulates an old home computer synth chip, and that UGen takes a frequency divider as input for pitch control just like the original hardware. Anyway,...
I believe this is a result of Classic Dirt's behavior being a little confusing, and due to "panning" having an ambiguous definition for stereo signals IIRC, Classic Dirt _will_ play...
I suspect the main combinations people use in practice are these: * one-channel input, two-channel output: `pan` works as everyone would expect * two-channel input, two-channel output: most people probably...
I've done something like this: * uninstall SuperDirt entirely * clone the GitHub repo wherever you like on your local machine * install it using the explicit path with something...
Are you sure this is an issue for SuperCollider sort order and not just shell `sort`? I think `sort` output can depend on the shell and environment variable settings, none...
Just a few thoughts: `legato` for samples: It currently can cut off sample playback early, but won't make it longer. This is still true when you use begin, end, loop,...
I think on the SC end, if you can identify which synth to send the message to it's fairly straightforward to update a parameter. But Tidal would have to send...