Benny Powers - עם ישראל חי!

Results 353 comments of Benny Powers - עם ישראל חי!

Having looked a little more deeply into your reproduction, I believe that this is ultimately a react issue. Read on for the exciting details! 💨 Note that react will set...

boolean attributes in HTML have very specific semantics. They are true when present and false when absent. consider HTMLInputElement ```html for (const input of document.querySelectorAll('input')) console.log(input.disabled, input.outerHTML); ``` >...

🤔 ok so there's more here under the covers than just "can the element load correctly with is-disabled" Maybe we should set a time for a call, tmrw morning?

Since these are all light-dom elements, the surrounding css context should apply. if the problem described is primarily taking place on CMS pages, can we solve it at that level...

I'd like to suggest a different approach. Composed events [might not be the way]( we want to go here. Other design systems use non composed events. For example these events...

A nice counter-point by the author of the linked article

Hey yeah I think your read on this is good. In the twitter thread I linked above quite a number of wc movers-and-shakers replied and the general consensus is that...

Is this still relevant in 2.0?

I had a few thoughts on how to accomplish this - [every netlify build has its own permalink]( - we can set up specific branches to automatically deploy to a...