Benny Powers - עם ישראל חי!

Results 353 comments of Benny Powers - עם ישראל חי!

indeed, could be tricky to check for any side effects. could we start with a `no-this-assign-in-render` or `only-local-assign-in-render` or something?

given the nature of the problem we might want to take a narrow approach: local assignments in render are fine any other assignments, be they to `this`, `window`, or higher-scoped...

This would also be helpful for things like startup dashboards: ```lua ---Launch alpha if vim starts with only empty buffers -- autocmd('VimEnter', { group = augroup('alpha_on_startup', { clear = false...

Can you link to the problem?

my initial thought was that, for certain filetypes, cmp-emoji should use treesitter to find out if we're in a string

Take this javascript source: ```js import { html, render } from 'lit-html'; render(html` I'm a little teapot `, document.body); ``` With the cursor on the line below the `` tag,...

That's understandable. I'd be interested to track the progress of that refactor, and I hope you'll keep this feature in mind while you do it. This is a cute 'nice-to-have'...

can i prevent alpha from launching if a neovim-session-manager session exists?

Could we start by just adding a config flag which disables autorendering altogether, then it would be the user's job to define the autocmd? I can send a PR...

like this one?