
Results 94 comments of beeman

@asterikx thanks for the contribution! I left one question about the output path.

Hi @toverux, could you provide an example of the command that would be used to set this build mode?

> This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Please don't close this...

Hey @montella1507 and @antonybudianto7, I've written the tutorial and am encountering the same problem like you guys. I did not yet found a solution to get it working with angular-cli...

It appears that it was a user error in my case. The complete warning in my console was: ``` [HMR] Cannot apply update. Need to do a full reload! [HMR]...

> @beeman do you think for `serve` executor we can add a property to select which watcher to use? > > Or maybe we should have different executors for each...

> Any updates on this? I will take a look and come back at it

Thanks for your contribution @asterikx. This PR Is superseded by and released as version 2.8.0.

> Hello **Nx** team! I took over the maintenance of the **nx-go** plugin. So this PR can be closed. See updates in [nx-go/nx-go#102]( I forgot about this one, I'm glad...

For reference, I created a similar issue [here]( I really hope there will be a (permanent) option to opt out of all the fancy magic. I like to have files...