
Results 94 comments of beeman

I just created and released the package [dockerpkg]( to npmjs. It's now as simple as running `npm install --save-dev dockerpkg` and add `"prebuild": "dockerpkg"` to the scripts object in package.json,...

@marcosnils nice post, those multi-step Dockerfiles look very interesting. I will probably move the project to that once it's live.

I would love to see this as I think it would solve the following use case. In my app, a `User` has many `Email` like so: ```prisma model User {...

@tomhoule I see you removed the `process/candidate` flag. Does this mean we shouldn't expect this in the near future?

Thanks a lot for your detailed and quick reply @tomhoule, makes total sense.. Going to keep an eye on this and hope to see it land at some point on...

> For anyone stumbles on this, or related, issue, it is working in prisma ^2.20.1" in my case. > > I have a simple user model, with a phone field,...

I'm having similar issues with the self-hosted supabase studio using the supabase CLI. ![image]( I'm getting an error "Failed to update settings" when I tried to change something in my...

A heads-up from my side... I've been traveling quite a bit over the last months so had little time for my OSS projects, but I'm back home and ready to...

@Anthony-Jhoiro all looking very good here, just one question about the `createGoMod` methoad. I've just pushed `@nx-go/[email protected]` that this PR, so feel free to give it a spin.

Landed in #76 - thanks a lot for your work on this @Anthony-Jhoiro 🥳