
Results 94 comments of beeman

> @beeman — Wasn't this incorrect typing already resolved in [your `ngx-split` fork]( We've been using that fork without the `$any('*')` work-around in our Angular 10 project. I see now...

@KeithGillette can't really give a timeline at this point, sorry. Simply too busy with other things. I think the workaround using `$any('*')` is relatively simple, so you might consider that.

Hey @lf-novelt , if you check #289 you can see where it's set. Once I finish that PR it will work without the workaround.

Hi @albahrawy. This seems like a nice addition, I'm happy to review and merge a PR that adds support for this.

@ideapad if I recall correctly, you filed an issue for support on v8. Can you verify if `[email protected]` works on your Angular v8 app?

@ideapad awesome, thanks for testing!

Seems like a nice addition, I'm happy to review and merge a PR that adds support for this.

@MaximeKoitsalu yes! I totally aim to support this. Are you currently running into any issues using it or is it a matter of warnings?

Let me know if it's a show-stopper and I'll push out a fix.

Hey @settergren, thanks for creating this issue. This seems like a nice addition, I'm happy to review and merge a PR that adds support for this. If I find the...