Yeah, looks nice!
@nesquena, will you accept this pull request?
+1 current version of xeditable is not able to be used in forms with all of its features
@dwieeb you're wrong, we've got an issue with JWT tokens - Apple do not allow to reuse same connection for different tokens. I've made PR to add token support for...
@lakim we've used those changes in production since PR was created, but I don't have any reports about issues
I think there should be an option for slices; sometimes order is matter; sometimes doesn't. But maps are unordered by default
I'm having issue with processing next typedefs: ``` typedef struct NV_IFROGL_SESSION_HANDLE_REC { } *NV_IFROGL_SESSION_HANDLE; ``` ``` typedef void (NVIFROGLAPI *NV_IFROGL_DEBUG_CALLBACK_PROC)(NV_IFROGL_DEBUG_SEVERITY severity, const char *message, void *userParam); ``` ``` NVIFROGLSTATUS NVIFROGLAPI...
Hi @arnvald What about this, it will run callbacks, validations and update only needed attributes without saving model. So resulting code may be ``` ruby = "Charlie" User.update(,email:...
> 1. Deprecate and later remove user_class setting from initializer I fully agreed with this. user_class is bad when you have, for example, users and admins - two different models,...
It seems like changes were added to build image instead of fetching it, so MR won't work anymore