Brian R. Bondy

Results 53 comments of Brian R. Bondy

Thx again for the help!

ooo really good idea, I should probably do soon though because I don't currently store the dateWatched.

I definitely plan to. Do you know if you can run os x in an os x vm? Ill get it added to the outline at least short term

I was on my phone earlier, so I probably didn't ask clearly enough, sorry :) Yep I was only asking if it was technically possible, in case you knew off...

@lukemulks Agreed on adding about 1 time setup, I think it'd be enough to list this as something on the welcome screen. For better tools to test the blocking, I...

cc @iefremov @goodov for recommendations here

cc @lukemulks Btw you probably want to watch this repo @lukemulks if you aren't already please :) Thanks.

FYI I tried to test this out on macOS but it says the feature is not available on my platform in chrome://flags