Brian R. Bondy

Results 53 comments of Brian R. Bondy

Amara was added to add transcripts for previous videos, but keeping this for others to be able to define transcripts for new videos.

That's really only for debugging btw

yep I just want to bury it a bit more so people don't use it accidentally because it's really destructive to their profile.

Ya I have to think about it a bit, I might rename stats to profile and then have an edit profile and then have the delete inside there.

I just hid the field for now, will re-enable it at a later date when I have more time and I figure out how to get the remote IP when...

That one is by design. If you go back to it let's say in 30 minutes from now it'll say 30 min ago.

ya, gotta rework it, I'll leave this bug open to do that. By the way when the auto logout thing happens, and it logs you back in, it'll reset to...

Don't _think_ so but can't be sure yet. I'm going to try a fix shortly, server will be down for a minute while I reload. Also last login date will...

k restarted, let me know if you see or don't see it.