Brian R. Bondy

Results 53 comments of Brian R. Bondy

Hi there @voylinux ! I started the process of localizing the site, and got a good chunk of it done. There will be some additional strings, but you can get...

Hey there, just wondering how the translations were going? Is it still being worked on? Thanks!

OK thanks for letting me know. Sounds great.

I haven't heard of it, but I'm open to someone doing that. I don't have the bandwidth myself to be able to do it though.

Thanks for the report and sorry you ran into this! This is due to some changes that make the suggested change no longer work. I updated the page with a...

Which environment do you reproduce on? On OSX Firefox - I only have 360p avail On OSX Chrome I have 1080p which it selects by default On OSX Safari I...

Ya but that work is being tracked in Issue #19, no worries about trying to make them. This bug is just for the notification bar itself and those are just...

Thanks! If you have any ideas for types of badges please put it in that bug.

Sweet, thanks for letting me know. I'll get that updated