
Results 10 issues of Barnaby

console is visible until game window opens `-showconsole` startup arg keeps console open `show_console_window` convar allows the console to be opened and closed at runtime console always stays open on...

adds convar `ns_server_bind_address` (which defaults to, allowing the server host to choose which local ip the server binds itself to. Likely allows fixes for some issues with setups using...

should make the /account/lookup_uid route return faster because now it indexes the username column

didn't get around to making any real changes before exams began and cba to anymore but i made a few fixes actual additions: - announcements endpoint, for apex-style announcements to...

EXPECTED_HOST env var e.g. ``

If you hide all elements in the view, it doesn't seem to repaint. This leaves a ghost of the element on the screen until something else triggers a repaint. I...

Normal: ![image]( With an animation running in the view (look at the play button): ![image](

Adds build step to compile shaders. Lists of shaders to compile are in `alvr/server/` Shaders are in `alvr/server/cpp//shader/` Uses shaderc for linux shader compilation and fxc for windows shader compilation....

It would be nice to have a way to get existing maps that have been made, probably from some GUI or something like how the ImageOnMap spigot plugin does it