Jan-Erik Rediger

Results 140 comments of Jan-Erik Rediger

> Flaky 1x on 9/16 Main [Firebase link](https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/project/moz-fenix/testlab/histories/bh.66b7091e15d53d45/matrices/8542026864075594464/executions/bs.1037ba552f1cb7cc/testcases/3/test-cases) > > androidx.test.uiautomator.UiObjectNotFoundException: UiSelector[CONTAINS_DESCRIPTION=Firefox Fenix] at androidx.test.uiautomator.UiObject.click(UiObject.java:416) at org.mozilla.fenix.glean.BaselinePingTest.validateBaselinePing(BaselinePingTest.kt:169) > > @badboy This is a Fenix test run though. `UiObjectNotFoundException` -- it...

> Issue [has been observed](https://console.firebase.google.com/project/moz-android-components-230120/testlab/histories/bh.acacddb44ee28c64/matrices/7095191461656497716/executions/bs.94842756361407b0/testcases/1) again. @badboy could you take another look? This indeed looks like the old problem again. I guess we have to rethink how this test works,...

Ok, the test fails so I need to look into this.

Is this just about newly introduced commands in 3.2? The Cluster API should be fairly stable between 3.0 and 3.2 (I didn't check whether the output of CLUSTER NODES changed,...

`CLUSTER NODES` is the same in 3.0 and 3.2 so corvus should be able to work with Redis 3.2 without problems

So `CLUSTER NODES` is the same in 3.0 and 3.2, but it changed in unstable (it appends `@`. In order to be forwards-compatible corvus could already add a check for...

Changed corvus.conf. Keep in mind this would be a breaking change in corvus and would affect all users. I grepped through the code to find all places of `config.bind` usage,...

In addition: this includes the minimal "get ipv6 working" patch. I did a manual test, but it would need to be tested more before getting merged.

I fixed the test now, but it's now lacking any tests for the new `bind` option. I will add that later.