Jan-Erik Rediger

Results 140 comments of Jan-Erik Rediger

Tests are failing because you're using `return` in the lambda, which at least on

The remaining failures are unrelated (at least the ones I checked). I will think about this PR. Please, do not change the library version number. We will do this on...

This sounds like [the exact same issue](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/issues/3303) Sidekiq users recently notices. Commands are retried up to `reconnect_attempts`, as can be configured on context creation ([see `initialize`](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/redis/redis-rb/master/Redis:initialize)). I have to admit...

I'd have to look in the code on whether we could handle this differently. I'll keep this open to eventually get around to take a look.

It doesn't occur if you use the block syntax, so there is a workaround: ``` ruby redis.multi do redis.hgetall "test" end # => [{"foo"=>"bar"}] ```

Shouldn't we just make sure we treat everything as binary and let the user handle encoding?

Hey, thanks for reaching out. If N-API is the way forward, I appreciate that. But at the moment I am not a user of hiredis-node myself nor do I have...

Not before July, but for that I'll put it on my schedule and let you know a bit in advance.

Yes! Thanks for reminding me again. I see the next meeting is scheduled for next week, which won't work for me though. How should we get in contact?

@aruneshchandra Sorry for letting this slip. Is there a meeting this week? I would have time to join in.