Results 19 issues of blek!

## Description I propose to add a mob filter in the MobESP settings like the X-Ray but to make it so the ESP will highlight only selected mobs


Никакой дистрибутив линукса не может быть лучшим, пока в нем нету приложения с бесплатной доставкой еды! Ведь это по сути и определяет его качество.

So people can just do ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Instead of copying and pasting all those modules from README to cmd requirements.txt: ``` selenium tor requests names ```

6 months passed since #322, and the error seems to persist. I suggest that you replace the old link with the working one in READMEs or fix the old one...

Vite now says its deprecated: ``` 1:22:26 PM [vite] warning: node_modules/react-awesome-slider/src/styles.js 1 | import styles from './core/styles.scss'; | ^ 2 | 3 | export default styles; Default and named imports...

**unfetch** is an alternative to **fetch-polyfill** It is only **950 bytes** in size, 500 bytes gzipped, and does pretty much the same as any other fetch polyfill - [x] Package...

similar suggestion

I ask to add a command like in Laravel: `php artisan migrate:refresh` To do this, you'd have to run `sequelize db:migrate:undo:all`, then `sequelize db:migrate`, which is not very convenient and...

CAPTCHAs should be able to tell humans and robots apart, not to rate limit them. I can write a demo using selenium which could've easily clicked that "I'm not a...

Hey y'all. I am using this to log in to one server and the scope seems to be separated by commas instead of spaces. Is it possible to change scope...


Modulo operator as simple as that: ```lua print(5 % 2) ``` Gives out this error: ``` $ hematita_cli a.lua runtime error: unknown binary operation error ``` Probably modulo operator is...