Results 16 comments of blek!

> на данный момент выбираем между растом и фшарпом. Фшарп за счет дотнета поперспективнее конеш. Да неее, надо писать на паскале. Не зря же его во всех школах преподают.

> ~You can use this middleware I made: [express-request-size]( Oh, you meant body size. You can make what you've done reliable by awaiting for all the chunks to arrive. >...

Do you people even read the error before post it? It means that the client is outdated. Last commit to main was 6 years ago. The whole repo should be...

> Version : 73.2-2 The thing tries to find ``, where `72` means version `72`. The upstream version is `73` so a "dirty" fix like that would do the trick:...

I fail to understand what you are triyng to do. Are you tring to write an express app? Do you want to contribute to express? Do you want to create...

Are you running the NextJS app locally, and backend elsewhere? If that is so, your cookie probably got restricted to the backend's ip/domain

Same issue on Archlinux with GNOME 45, but the same issue occured a few weeks ago when I was using GNOME 44 Logs ``` celluloid-Message: 23:12:56.716: [cplayer] Set property: volume=100.000000...

> ![Screenshot from 2024-01-02 21-04-10]( > > Screenshot uploaded, thank you. i have a feeling that your installation is broken. did you compile it manually? also there is a warning...

@oToRINtI just to be clear, if you open the video on in browser, it plays correctly, right?