react-awesome-slider icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-awesome-slider copied to clipboard

Default and names CSS imports are deprecated

Open b1ek opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Vite now says its deprecated:

1:22:26 PM [vite] warning: 
1  |  import styles from './core/styles.scss';
   |                      ^
2  |  
3  |  export default styles;
Default and named imports from CSS files are deprecated. Use the ?inline query instead. For example: import styles from './core/styles.scss?inline'
  Plugin: vite:import-analysis
  File: node_modules/react-awesome-slider/src/styles.js?inline

Perhaps it would make sense to change it?

b1ek avatar May 12 '23 03:05 b1ek