Results 45 issues of AYOUB EL MHAMDI

I don't know why I should add `{}` to the table to avoid `sumneko_lua` crash ```lua require'lsp_signature'.setup(cfg) ==> require'lsp_signature'.setup({cfg}) ```

if i'm using this plugin: i can't close tab if i have more than one tab i should be close all tab by :qa or :wqa

could anyone add a bock highlight for this excellent project, be like github: - glow ![glow](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34358145/177046385-c66e9837-7d24-4569-ab40-6d2056334d7f.png) - github ![github2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34358145/177046423-a2369920-b9e8-4de2-bd3f-7f3d8ca5f307.png)

when searching to build a package from scratch, am fonds a dependency of `Build prerequisites` of ubuntu like: ```bash #Ubuntu / Debian: $ sudo apt-get install ninja-build gettext libtool libtool-bin...

I like alias my usual dir with variables like: ```bash export c_project=/project/c export py_project=/project/py export nvimdir=~/.config/nvim export packerdir=..... ... ``` # how I can jump to dirs/exported with `z jump`

I think it should be noted that the `package manager (pacman,xbps,apt...)` does not load the plugin Automatique

i'm ussing this [config](https://github.com/harababurel/gcsf/blob/master/sample_config.toml) with my client-id ``` $ gcsf login some_session_name Please direct your browser to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8081&response_type=code&client_id=205948887-i5hr38hkdq6usbhgbi9qbdhsa6l0nm08.apps.googleusercontent.com and follow the instructions displayed there. Successfully logged in. Saved credentials to...

i try to use local repository but `xbps-rindex -a dir` take, much much time, i have 3G in this `dir`` it's that normal9

you must limit options to unknown people

how to ovvereide this plugin to find file only for this working directory? ```lua extensions = { frecency = { db_root = "~/dotfiles/telescope-frency", show_scores = true, show_unindexed = true, ignore_patterns...