Results 45 issues of AYOUB EL MHAMDI

how can remove this area when i using frencency : ``` :lua require('telescope').extensions.frecency.frecency({default_text=":CWD:"}) ``` ![telescopefrency1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/34358145/132017727-0778b51d-523f-48e8-ab54-d4e8ef220196.png) this area is change with `:CWD:` also my laptop is `10"` or `11"` and my...

for view language that supports now `treesitter-unit`, I add this table for fill later.

I want to combine `FloatSend `and `FloatermShow` to open external string in terminal ```vim let g:cmd_float="ls -la" FloatermSend g:cmd_float FloatermShow ``` will be send `g:cmd_float` not `ls -la`

this excellent `repo` needs some `gifs` to be perfect

make again if the config.h change too ```diff - $(BIN): main.o + $(BIN): main.o config.h ``` move the `BLOCK` macro and `Block` struct to `config.h`, which helps to show the...

**Checklist** - [X] Have you read through `:h nvim-surround` to see if there might be any relevant information? ```help wo*rd --> **wo*rd*** ``` the result would: **word** at know, it's...


this excellent `repo` needs some `gifs` to be perfect

``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/bin/intel-power-control", line 7, in import sip ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sip' ```

I want to use worktree in temp dir ```bash $ git worktree add /tmp/dir1/html gh-pages ``` to commit the new files or modified files only but, `mdBook` remove all old...

I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of implementing a `caching system` for popular prompts as vectors. As you may know, constantly re-embedding questions can be `costly` and...