Austin Meier
Austin Meier
I am in the process of mapping GRIN:Descriptors extracted from a Samara scrape to terms in the TO. Where I could not find a matching trait in the TO, I...
Grin descriptors for wheat traits were mapped, and a new trait for Rachis length might be needed. Here is a link to the descriptor in question: PJ suggested "first...
While annotating the GRIN germplasm from the Samara scrape, we encountered a GRIN descriptor set that consists entirely of allozyme assays. While attempting to annotate this germplasm for those traits,...
suggested TO name: infructescence height suggested def'n: A height related trait (TO:0000171) which is the height of an infructescence (PO:0006342). suggest moving ear infructescence height (TO:0000683) as a subclass, and...
revised the definition of this term old: The total mineral and/or ion content measured in a plant or a plant part. New: A biochemical trait (TO:0000277) that is the amount...
Tree scientists often measure traits of trees (whole plant PO:0000003) at different stages/sizes: seedling, sapling, herb, shrub, etc... Some of these are currently listed as synonyms to 'whole plant' and...