Patch 1
bam2wig cant make i copy bam2wig binary from
i have some `Illumina 350bp library pair-end read of 20X depth` for human size genome can i use use this sequences to assembly the genome with megahit
### Description of feature aspera from ena link may be faster than ftp
can orthofinder run on a slurm cluster with multiple nodes
## Description sorry i messed and delete my local branch, so the pr #2749 was closed automately; i don't know how to reopen, so i opened a new pr; sorry...
PBS (population branch statistics) [^1] is derived from Fst, which can detect positive selection signals in admixted populations . the formula is ``` T = - log(1 – FST) PBS...
Dear author, 1) i am wondering does DtriosParallel can run with multiple nodes on hpc or just one node with multiple threads with the option --cores ; 2) for slurm,...
can damaeprofiler rescale qulity scores like mapdamage2? my samples are not udg treated so i need to rescale bam