
Results 8 comments of atongsa

- bug report i tried bwa-mem2 on my HPC the memory usage is huge there must some bug in this app - bwa-mem2 version 2.0pre2 - index `bwa-mem2 index my.fa`...

what is a homeseq in your info

vim paragraph/lib/python3/grm/vcfgraph/ edit this block to your insert SEQ is ok ``` if alt == "": ```

how to solve it if REF and ALT have different padding sequece

## ERROR ```Exception: Different padding base for REF and ALT at NC_030811.1:2998385``` ## vcf ``` NC_030811.1 2998385 MantaDEL:28854:0:0:0:0:0 CTGTGT C ``` ## note i think this is the same padding...

sorry, just idea, i dont test.

os: arch linux atom --in-process-gpu really save my life

> 今天所里推送了新版论文格式要求,除了word版,也有Latex的附件包,特来打卡 同学您好,请问现在可以在 sep 直接 上传 latex 文件,不需要 word 对吗