Austin Brandt

Results 12 issues of Austin Brandt

The current database migration script is very rudimentary. It simply checks to see if there's a migration sql script with a newer version than the current database version, then performs...


The bot should support owner-configurable message deletion at a global level. When disabled, no messages should be auto-deleted. When enabled, the owner should be able to specify a specific delay...


Discord's built-in server log functions leave a bit to be desired. When a message is deleted, there's no way to check what was actually in the message originally. There's no...


Though some of these features already exist in Discord in some form, being able to access them via chat commands in the bot can add a nice extra layer of...


The bot should be able to support a complex owner-defined set of permissions on a per-guild basis, which determine whether or not a given user is able to invoke a...


Currently, the bot lacks any sort of code testing to ensure functionality and usability. An automated testing library would help to ensure that any proposed changes to the codebase won't...

help wanted

The current layout of code for the bot has commands organized into Cogs. However, that organization is poorly defined and each Cog houses far too many commands as it is....


Currently, the db calls are structured in such a way that each time a new db request is needed, an entire new function must be written to support the call,...


The shop should support bot owners adding additional purchase options for members. The owner should be able to define a title, description, price, and availability for the item. and purchasing...


"Blurbs" are the working title of user-configurable bot messages. These would be simple text blocks that a user can make the bot say using a custom-defined command, with an extra...
