Arjun S Kumar

Results 13 issues of Arjun S Kumar

can you explain the logic of [L171]( I'm using VLP16 lidar, attaching my scanID and Vertcal angle relationship diagram ![vlp_scan_draw](

Hi, can anyone tell how to find the initial pose of my robot ?

Hi, I'm not getting proper results with fisheye mode calibration tested on ROS melodic

is there any way to get translation between lidar and imu?

``` ./run_stereo_jackal_batch_inference.bash: line 60: /00037/: No such file or directory ../../Jackal_Visual_Odom//sequences/00037/times.txt ```

i can use prerecord for plotting CPU monitoring. Is there anyway to plot GPU usage % ?

ninja: error: '/usr/local/lib/libprotobuf.a', needed by '/home/arjun/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/cartographer_ros/lib/cartographer_ros/cartographer_pbstream_to_ros_map', missing and no known rule to make it

I have trouble working with my custom rosbag. Could you share your ROSbag please ?

Please provide support to micro-ros

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