When compiling the shader in the attached file with `glslangValidator -gVS --target-env vulkan1.3 3188.frag -o 3188.dbg.spv`, glslang crashes with the following assert: glslangValidator: /home/arcady/glslang/SPIRV/SpvBuilder.cpp:967: spv::Id spv::Builder::makeMemberDebugType(const spv::Id, const spv::Builder::DebugTypeLoc &):...
Given the difficulty of maintaining ABI compatibility when all the internals of the compiler are exposed as a public API, I propose the following changes to the way that glslang...
SPIR-V requires that any instruction using the result of an OpSampledImage instruction be in the same block as the OpSampledImage. This is hard to guarantee in code generation but easy...
Symbols in the SPIRV/ directory that are meant to be part of the public API of glslangnow have GLSLANG_EXPORT annotations that make sure they will be accessible when building glslang...