Alex Arslan

Results 271 comments of Alex Arslan

Looks like the package is interpolating the wrong thing: Currently when calling functions inside of quoted blocks in macros, it's doing `$BenchmarkTools.f(x)`, but it should be doing `$(BenchmarkTools.f)(x)`. Note that...

If I understand correctly this is like `tic` and `toq` from Julia < 0.7, right?

I don't think the Apache license mandates that derived works be licensed under Apache; as I understand it it's like MIT in that you just need to preserve the original...

Right, we just need to include or link to their license, we don't have to license our own under Apache.

It's not a copyleft license; derivative works don't need to bear the same license. See

Confirmed that tests pass on current Julia master on FreeBSD 11.1.

Do you mean the JSON files produced from `save`? Are those typically pretty hefty?

I'd guess that the CI failure will need to be fixed (no idea what it's about) and it will need a Travis employee to deploy to production. Pinging the two...

It's not currently possible but ```diff diff --git a/src/formula.jl b/src/formula.jl index 6cab6e1..6d2ef57 100644 --- a/src/formula.jl +++ b/src/formula.jl @@ -188,13 +188,19 @@ function parse!(ex::Expr, rewrites::Vector) # parse a copy of non-special...

Seems potentially quite breaking, as I imagine that some packages rely on being able to access the precomputed summary statistics for continuous terms.