Alex Arslan

Results 84 issues of Alex Arslan

I made a [Homebrew]( formula for installing FemtoLisp on OS X (see, but since there are no releases here, I forked the repository and made a release there. If...

It can be defined naively as ```julia function innerjoin!(a, b; kwargs...) leftjoin!(a, b; kwargs..., indicator=:_row_source) subset!(a, :_row_source => ByRow(==("both"))) select!(a, Not(:_row_source)) return a end ``` That is, simply delete (in-place)...


I often find myself doing something like ```julia combine(groupby(df, x)) do groupdf x = first(groupdf.x) # ... end ``` It would be nice to be able to do something along...


By default, [Vim thinks that .jl files are librep Lisp]( The Julia language uses .jl as its file extension, and you can get .jl files to be recognized as Julia...

I have a pretty basic implementation of Savitzky-Golay filtering based on that in SciPy (BSD-3 licensed so no problems). Seems like this could be a good home for it, but...


From the Travis log (also seeing locally): ``` ERROR: LoadError: return type Array{Float64,2} does not match inferred return type Any Stacktrace [1] macro expansion at /home/travis/.julia/v0.7/FFTW/test/runtests.jl:335 [inlined] [2] anonymous at...

help wanted

It would be awesome to have [Julia]( included among the default languages here. (I don't know MoonScript, otherwise I'd try my hand at a PR for this.)

The Julia definitions here are partially incorrect (we've never had a `super` keyword, for example) and very out of date. Some of this was addressed in #912, but I've opened...


Hi there! I'm quite excited about the prospect of using Fireplace on FreeBSD. However, currently it depends on the `systemd` crate, and systemd is very notably not a FreeBSD thing....

Quoting Will in #29: > FWIW, the other thing to think about is what is actually happening computationally under the hood. Ultimately the `Diagonal` matrix type doesn't use any off-diagonal...
