Yes, this took me by surprise, too, the first time I decided I needed to euthanize a discordant pet and just swapped positions with it instead, dying shortly thereafter. A...
Sounds good to me. One wrinkle I just thought of: what if the player is wielding a spear or whip? I suppose it would work the same way as any...
Good thoughts, but IMHO Brogue's "brand" is that it keeps things simple. Throwing in a force-move or non-attack-move makes things more complex. I think it would also require somewhat extra...
Good topic... here's my 2 cents. Armor of multiplicity: doesn't scale at all with enchantment, and is increasingly flimsy at deeper levels when heavy-hitting monsters kill you in two hits....
Another likely example from RapidBrogue described here: https://www.reddit.com/r/brogueforum/comments/v4lvo8/bug_in_301635075_in_rapidbrogue/
Right, allowing throwables to be generated with enchantments would obviously negate the original issue report, and I agree that would make for a more interesting change. Changing only the starting...
I'm not positive this is related, but hopefully it's an extra data point while considering a fix. Playing the 2021-04-23 weekend contest [CE 1.9.3], I beckoned a kraken from bog...
Yes, fast-travel and telepathy simply don't play well together, and I expect 'Z'-resting would have the same problem. I can't tell whether that's implicated in the original bug report, I've...
I think the behavior is intended and consistent, in the same way that a staff of conjuration is effective against reflective enemies. But I agree the wording could be improved....
> If it's easy. Understood :). If I can get my dev environment working again, I can check if the logic inside the ifdef is functional, at least on my...