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Laravel Stats Tracker

Results 105 tracker issues
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I have add this 'api' => [ ....... \PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Middlewares\Tracker::class, ], in middleware group but i doesn't track authenticated user through jwt please consider it in the next version of tracker

You call `session_start()` that sends `Cache-control: no-cache` headers before checking `do_not_track_routes.` So it is inpossible to set http cache.

Hi I tried to use the facade with this code: `Tracker::currentSession()` But it returns this: `Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Tracker' not found` I included it in my app.php config file like this; `'Tracker'...


I'am using namespace in my controllers , this is my controller : [controllers/admin/AdminController.php]

When I go to the users page on admin. I get this message: DataTables warning: table id=table_div - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see This...

I have follow the but I found this issue and still haven't found the solution. Any solution for this problem? I'm using Laravel 5.7 btw

Hi, I want to ask, if anybody know, where could be a problem, because in tracker_geoip table aren't any data. For example in table tracker_agents are data. In config I...

My app db and tracker db are different. Config/tracker.php file ``` 'user_model' => 'App\User', ``` Please guide me how can i get user? Check my kernel.php still user entry is...

I installed this page on local and everything was fine when I deploy my project on the server and I wanted to log in to my site i see the...