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Laravel Stats Tracker

Results 105 tracker issues
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**Describe the bug** When I run `composer dump-auto` it gives me an error: ``` Generating optimized autoload files > Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump > @php artisan package:discover --ansi PHP Warning: Module 'PDO' already...

When a user logout of my application, the user_id of the corresponding session is set to null. I want to store the visit of my users but if they logout...

Hi, I'm trying to use the paginate method on Tracker::methods. Example : `Tracker::sessions(60 * 24)->paginate(20);` When using paginate() I got the following error : > Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::paginate does not exist....

I installed the pakage and worked fine but when trying to open events page in stats it's giving me error pop up error: DataTables warning: table id=table_div - Ajax error....


In the how to install instructions i follow the below step **Open the newly published config file found at app/config/tracker.php and enable use_middleware: 'use_middleware' => true,** But i cant find...

**Describe the bug** On run unit test this fails with the log: ``` [2019-11-06 14:28:11] testing.ERROR: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): session_start(): Cannot start...

When i going to check users or todays visitor, this error ( **[2020-06-04 16:17:16] local.WARNING: TRACKER (unable to track item): route tracker.stats.index is not trackable.** ) is showing in log...

**Describe the bug** The current code to download and update the GeoIP database is outdated. It seems that the provider of this data has switched from having a publically accessible...

Hi I am using the package and everything seems to work perfectly. I enabled the "log_user" and make the necessary changes to capture the user_id in the "tracker_sessions" table. -When...