tracker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tracker copied to clipboard

Laravel Stats Tracker

Results 105 tracker issues
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Just a question here. Since there are lots of possibilities with this module - hence lots of data to be written, i wonder if any cache mechanic is in place...

I got this error i follow all step, digging issue to solve the problem until i stuck with this : Illuminate\Database\QueryException::("SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'myapp.tracker_query_arguments'...

Hi there, After doing all the steps beside searching all issue related to panel/view all I can find is this `Route::get('stats', ['as' => 'tracker.stats.index', 'uses' => 'Stats@index']);` But sadly I...

how can I get top cities access route in all data in DB or based on search period?

for the custom log we are using below code, but how to Add custom Query Log or some more custom logs. Tracker::trackEvent(['event' => 'cart.add']); Tracker::trackEvent(['event' => 'cart.add', 'object' => 'App\Cart\Events\Add']);

`'enabled' => true, 'log_enabled' => true, 'log_users' => true, 'log_devices' => true,`

Hi , I'm getting this error(see below). Is the AuthManager the correct class ? Cause the check methode only exisist in de Guard Class ? ErrorException in Authentication.php line 29:...

@antonioribeiro ![4]( I have been working on a project for over a month with this package. It was working fine but today it showed me this error.


Is it possible to fetch country mobile dialing code from tracker ?

Help wanted