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Laravel Stats Tracker

Results 105 tracker issues
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When i checked the Tracker class i saw this `public function onlineUsers($minutes = 3, $results = true) { return $this->sessions(3); }` It should be `public function onlineUsers($minutes = 3, $results...

**Describe the bug** Whenever I try to do anything, including starting the server locally, I get: In Parser.php line 35: Argument 1 passed to UAParser\Parser::parse() must be of the type...

hi i need track clients pages in public folder. Its HTML page in structure folder/index+en+de+es... html. Its not posible use php script inside, users can edit it direct with online...

Was wondering if you're going to push an update to Laravel 7 or are you taking PR? ` "laravel/framework": "~4|~5|~6|~7",`

I installed ```"pragmarx/tracker": "2.0.10",``` on Laravel 4.2 after adding ```'PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\ServiceProvider',``` to the providers, i got ``` Call to undefined method PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\ServiceProvider::mergeConfigFrom() ``` Am i doing something wrong?

Hi I want to change blade views and use my own blade template that is not SB Admin Template. How can I do this?

SB admin is nice but I'm using AdminLTE , is there a command to publish the views and controllers that I can modify?

I would like to track visit of login but with different types, like user login from our page or directed from 3rd part type, I was thinking that I could...

I couldnt notice if Tracker save data per domain. And decided to add DOMAIN_ID to the SESSION Table. I achive this few changes in the TRACKER.php file and the SESSION...

Hi. in what table Ajax requests are saved ??? all URL's comes from users are saved in tracker_route_paths . but Ajax requests didn't saved in this Table. Thanks.