Anton Eliasson
Anton Eliasson
This is probably a side effect of rbsp_to_nal() starting the NAL buffer with a zero byte. I am interpreting the reason for this behaviour to be that the first byte...
Good. Could you please submit a pull request for your change?
You are talking about the start code prefix, which can be either 0x00 00 01 or 0x00 00 00 01 (for 16-bit alignment purposes if I remember correctly). The start...
Yes, it's a junk STL. In other words, a non-manifold STL. Slic3r will tell you this (bottom right corner of the Preview screen after slicing). Fix it in the source...
File->Reset ?
Thank you for your great work with this addon and thank you for your detailed letter. Best of luck in the future!
This is the sliced version on my SD card. [PLA_BeerOpener_ColorPrint_200um_1H.gcode.txt](