Andrew Davison
Andrew Davison
I have merged all outstanding pull requests to [a fork of this repo]( due to the [death in April 2021]( of @rbrito. RIP. I have no particular experience with usbmount...
Quick note to say that the enabler is working fine for me under 10.15.3. I just grabbed the latest binary from [Releases](, backed up SidecarCore.framework, disabled SIP and ran `sudo...
Hi Jim, Thanks for getting back to me! I'll experiment with trying different status commands first; I tried pairing another SmartPlug yesterday and it didn't work with the library, but...
Made some progress this evening with the Button, mostly by repeatedly hammering the poor thing with Active Endpoint Requests, Match Descriptors and the Hardware Join messages. At first it appeared...
No problem, I shall add in some links back to this project. Just tried associating a PIR using the same 'brute force' method and it worked just fine. It's seems...
Just trying the firmware update on the Safe & Secure hub; v2.2r1 was the latest on the (now defunct) AlertMe hub, but looks like there's something new on the BG...
No update; v2.2r1 is the latest from AlertMe.
Update found on British Gas Safe & Secure system; now running v2.3r0. Will retest with the script shortly.
No change. It's obviously not reporting one of manufacturer, type or version - though I have to say, I'm suspicious of the version information. I've seen that change without any...
How have you managed to work around it, or have you not been able to so far? Seems like that’s one of the biggest stumbling blocks right now, because otherwise...