Results 41 issues of Andriy Utkin

The only web-based XMPP client with video calls support I know is Jappix, but it works only on and I cannot get it to work on my own setup,...

What STUN/TURN implementation do you use at Nothing works for me with my prosody-based jabber server. I tried various public STUN and TURN servers, have setup various self-hosted implementations,...


Haven't hacked around yet, but solution similar to this should help:


This changeset introduces the first custom Docker container intended for RNP's CI. This Fedora 35 CI config intends to replace the existing config fedora35-ossl.yml (which is currently broken due to...

A lot of temporary directories are always left around after the tests even when all they all pass. There are a few sources of that, and this patchset addresses them...

This changeset adds the ability to disable the features marked as legacy in OpenSSL 3.0: Blowfish, CAST5 and RIPEMD160. It also adds a forgotten cmakedefine bit for ENABLE_IDEA as a...

This is to make it possible to differentiate between 0.16.0 and current master. A specific case where this is needed is the CI problems with ruby-rnp test suite in the...

## Description rnp_tests.test_rnpcfg_get_expiration sometimes fails in CI for reasons unrelated to the particular pull request. This looks like the test itself is unreliable. ## Steps to Reproduce This happens from...

continuous integration

## Description Currently it fails to build. ## Steps to Reproduce 1. Disable the rejection hardcoded in the build system. 2. `cmake -DCRYPTO_BACKEND=openssl -DENABLE_SM2=On . && make && ctest` ##...