Andrew Godwin

Results 206 comments of Andrew Godwin

Yup, the format of `send_async()` there looks good - matches the convention we're going for of `name_async`, and we can't override pure `send()` for obvious reasons. I would like to...

Unfortunately we have to think about safety - just running sync code "as is" will break any previous assumptions developers may have made about connections and the blocking nature of...

Yeah, I'd rather have an explicit error here than try to patch it with a very slow solution, or at least raise a warning.

Yes, I do all my development on Windows inside the Linux Subsystem for Windows, which is basically just another UNIX with Ubuntu userland. It's entirely different from running under Win32...

This means something in your consumer is not exiting after the disconnect (you don't need to send `websocket.close`, so get rid of that) - it's not a problem in Channels...

Yes, ResponseLater does not really interact well with any middleware. It's been replaced in Channels 2 by async HTTP views instead, so you can `await`, but of course you give...

I'm going to leave this open as we still need a good example for channels 2, but it will be easier to do now you can write it as an...

I also noticed that a few hours ago and so I committed them in: They'll be in the next release :)

Do you know the cause of this error (specifically, that it is in 3.8.1?) As you said, #132 was fixed upstream in Python, and this looks like exactly that bug,...

I'd appreciate it if you could absolutely verify you are on Python 3.8.1 by grabbing the value of `sys.version` on the machine that's showing the bugs; that will get us...