
Results 134 comments of andrewcrook

I would love to see this feature

+1 However, I notice that macOS does not display the battery status for most none Apple devices

More Info extension version: v1.2.1 Released on 19/06/2021, 20:32:34 Last updated 19/06/2022, 11:37:42 Identifier evald24.vscode-extension-profiles

@evald24 hi I uninstalled, restarted VSC then installed 1.2.3 of the plugin and restarted VSC again. However, I still have the exact same issue.

You can drag and drop from a highlight annotation into a flashcard it's easier to do via the web interface. But I agree it needs to be made easier I...

> It works fine for me using Rosetta2. Just sayin'... Rosetta may work but its not optimised for Apple Silicon and Rosetta isn't going to be around forever.

@Peter-Simpson Hi I am not sure this is a user case for Platypus? Platypus is used to package up command line scripts and add a GUI interface to them so...

@Peter-Simpson > my difficulty is creating a package that shows up as Apple Silicon. >...... > I'm very new to MacOS publishing and set the ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH variable to true at...

@Peter-Simpson > Having investigated the generated .app file I can now see that the primary executable in the .app file is not the one I supplied, but is one that...

> I've had to install specifically for this, and I don't use other features of that plugin. Would be nice to have this functionality available in this plugin though....