Andrew Nesbitt

Results 196 comments of Andrew Nesbitt

So this one could end up being pretty involved with lots of changes, a bit of a rabbit hole as the whole "autogift" concept was added and changed a number...

@hugovk open badges would be wonderful, I don't have any experience with integrating them myself but if someone wants to tackle it I'd be happy to add them

If it's massively complex I'm happy to ignore them for now and add something else in there for this year.

Mozilla are now suggesting 24pullrequests as an activity on Mozilla Campus Clubs: I think we can put the effort in to become a badge provider, it can't be that...

I found a ruby gem that might help too:

Definitely a bug, I've seen this going up and down over the past few days too. I suspect that something is updating pull_requests and unsetting the `merged_by_id` attribute, so the...

I suspect our emojify JavaScript library needs updating for the latest emojis:

@xadamy d'oh, looks like you're right 😔

Thanks for looking into this @emclaughlin1215, jqueryemoji looks like a good fit for this project if you fancy tackling swapping out emojify.js?

@emclaughlin1215 another alternative might be, I've got that added to one of my other open source rails apps: