Andrés G. Saravia
Andrés G. Saravia
Since many users could already have a blog of their own, maybe this could just fetch the RSS feed of that blog (this was suggested by [Cameron Neylon](
Looks like a nice project. What do you have in mind here? How do you think we could use it?
Might be related to this issue:
aaand this issue:
I get this same error while uploading files (e.g. pdf) that are not images. Maybe I should just try to catch the `TransformationError` and display a dummy image in that...
And superscripts too!
Perhaps this will be useful: - -
These are the same as [Pandoc's](, so it seems to be somewhat standard notation
Totally agree. This shouldn't be too much work.
There should also be a way to "un-archive" it