
Results 5 issues of AnchaoQu

when I use realsense cameras,I use "rs-enumerate-devices -c" to get all the camera parameters so I wonder if there is the similar command or method to get the camera parameters...


lack header file imu_state.h in cam_state.h and feature.hpp ![Screenshot from 2022-06-01 20-24-32]( I wonder how to solve it

start optimization terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc Process finished with exit code 134 (interrupted by signal 6: SIGABRT) I hope someone can give some advice

-- Max dist : 95.000000 -- Min dist : 4.000000 一共找到了79组匹配点 3d-2d pairs: 76 solve pnp in opencv cost time: 0.000257344 seconds. R= [0.9978662025826269, -0.05167241613316376, 0.03991244360207524; 0.0505958915956335, 0.998339762771668, 0.02752769192381471; -0.04126860182960625,...

您好,请问数据包能分享一下在国内的链接吗?十分感谢失效了 ![Screenshot from 2022-06-14 10-46-12](