Amy J. Ko
Amy J. Ko
> I would have liked some information about where to start with requirements. Is there a strategic way to go about it? Is there an order that is best, like...
> I appreciated the succinct yet informative descriptions of the software qualities. As the chapter mentions, it's valuable to know which qualities are more or less important for the type...
> One thing that I thought was missing in this chapter was strategies from either a product manager or a company to increase the quality of work that developers create...
> While the list of software qualities was quite thorough, the article never mentioned how to achieve each of the qualities. This might be beyond the scope of the article,...
> What I think could have been slightly improved in this chapter is the length of content that is listed under ‘security’ and ‘maintainability’. It still makes sense but more...
`Check out the podcast below for one product manager’s perspectives on the challenges of balancing these different priorities.`
> I think one concept that needs more explaining is, productivity influence by the particular features of a project’s code, how the project is managed, or the environment and organizational...
> Remote work has become the new normal in 2020. Several companies, including large tech corporations, have stated that they will allow their employees to work remotely indefinitely. In this...
> I appreciated that the chapter touched on personal factors that affect productivity, but I would have also appreciated if it touched on the fact that productivity is even harder...
> After reading Chapter 4 “Productivity” I was confused about one of the statements made in the chapter. It was talking about how productivity is also about learning. It was...