Providers disabling exec will typically block the following functions as they pose potential security risks: show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, popen, proc_open Just as a heads up.
Just to add another usage case for not requiring end date/time, if you are documenting a live event then the date/time would be unknown. Example: Server Status Reports - an...
This problem looks to be resolved with the addition of &excludeCSS=`1` which should be documented, provided this is the intended function instead of a bug.
Something along the lines of DocManager would be great. There are so many time I would benefit from the selection method to change templates and such.
Correct, reverting TVs has been helpful on several occasions.
I would think code highlighting would be more useful than a WYSIWYG interface after all we aren't editing the versions, just viewing them to restore. That being said perhaps a...