Adding the LZW45 driver based on JSON format.
The ability to disable the css (ex: &usemxCss=`0`) would be a nice addition, or if this already exists it should be documented somewhere. Case: resolve conflicts existing calendar styling on...
I've checked a couple installs, and it appears removing columns in the CMP Events tab, the removed columns return upon refreshing the page. The column remains removed if you remain...
It would be helpful if I could set past events to show on the current event list for a set period of time (ex: 1-2 days) after it's past. This...
The chunks don't allow for adding additional table tags - thead and tbody. If this does exist, the chunk to edit should be better documented. This can be worked around...
It would be great to have twitter integration for tweeting events with optional tweeting times (Date Added, Date of Event, or X Days prior to event). In the case of...
The plugin generates an error message of 1 due to the lack of a return. Can you please add a return to suppress this message?
It would be helpful if some code was added to identify if a page is being served using statcache vs modx direct. Perhaps somewhere in the page?
I don't know if this would be helpful, but the ability to reset a setting to the default on the client side. Let's say you changed a setting, but it...
You should have the ability to limit access to specific settings and/or groups based on the users permissions. The potential case of an Owner/Manager - the Owner may need to...