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Make end time not required
Why is the end time required anyway? it makes filling out easier when the end time and date are not required fields
this would be a very nice modification
Currently the start and end date/time are using in filtering events and also returning durations which is currently why its required. Can you tell me a little more about your case and how your using the calendar so I can better understand and solve your needs without sacrificing features.
Most of the sites I'm bulding they have day based events, from day N to day X, they don't want to bother with the start and end time, cause many events are from morning until the last one leave the event or have a start time between X and Y time, ie; from monday 12th starting between 8h and 12h and finished on the 14th (with no time specified)
That was the initial intent of the All Day check box, but what I haven't added is the properties to modify the default start/end time for all day events. The next question then is I assume the start time would vary among events, correct?
The allday checkbox is a good feature, would also be nice if it was checked by default. (maybe based on a setting?) Yes times beginning and end time vary. Maybe its possible to make only the start date required and leave start time, end date and end time optional.
for me it would be the same as Lefthandmedia
thanks for the feedback, I"ll dig in on this and see what we can do to get this option added in soon.
thanks a lot for this great package
Just to add another usage case for not requiring end date/time, if you are documenting a live event then the date/time would be unknown.
Example: Server Status Reports - an unexpected outage will have a start time/date, but not an end. You could use a system setting to toggle the required nature of this field.