Eloy Durán

Results 250 comments of Eloy Durán

Is it in fact a bug? Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I just see a single work in the 3 rails. That's something that could happen and a bit hard...

Oh I remember now, we fetch 60 artworks and pick 20 random ones from that set, which is why the results look different when you view them all.

My conclusion is that this works as intended at the time. @katarinabatina would you like to revisit that randomisation?

It’s definitely still a thing that can happen, but it’s actually a MP issue, not an Emission one, so it should probably be moved there. We’ll still probably not work...

(@sarahscott you can use ZenHub to move a ticket to a different repo.)

@mrtnzlml Hmm, good question, perhaps this wasn’t an issue with the old Relay version we’re stuck on 🤔 I theoretically don’t see a reason it couldn’t work, though, so perhaps...

@taion Sorry, only just now notice your comment. > The former is that, on mutations, it might be more interesting to put the union on the root. […] This is...

@petergaultney Glad it could be of assistance in any way 👌 I do want to push-back on the notion that relying on `__typename` is relying on an implementation detail, though....

I’m not familiar with creating optimistic responses with Apollo Client, this is what typical usage looked like of our Relay/TS setup where type-narrowing made things pretty seamless: https://github.com/artsy/emission/blob/9ebf2fcf7543ae07d4eaadc7d2b208da4dfce8ec/src/lib/Scenes/Artwork/Components/ContextCard.tsx#L138-L157

True, to some degree. You don’t need to over-expose details and you can use an abstraction for error codes (imo always using HTTP status codes for that is fine) which...