Eloy Durán

Results 250 comments of Eloy Durán

As far as I understand the problem, I agree with @ashfurrow. Isn’t having the payment go through the most important detail? You can deal with the personal details after the...

Just want to put this out there, but even with this there are still plenty of design/implementation questions (listed at the bottom). I assume the creditcard details are being stored...

This requires quite some native module code to hook into notifications re the app moving to the foreground and the VC appearing.

@katarinabatina @briansw The animation is now in. Regarding the greyed out state when you visit an artist view of an artist you’re already following, I’m wondering why that actually looks...

Nope, this still needs to be done and is a great candidate for people that want to play with GraphQL and specifically mutations 👍

`yarn link` and `npm link` will alas not work with React Native’s bundler atm: * https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/637#issuecomment-211553466 * https://github.com/facebook/metro-bundler/issues/1

As for your parse related issues, I have a suspicion (which may be completely wrong) that Emission’s bundler is trying to compile the `node_modules` dir inside your react-native checkout. See...

@katarinabatina We could maybe use https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/introducing-lottie-4ff4a0afac0e#.czn59ufif ?

Drive-by comment by a naive reader here: the datadog client has its own implementation https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-js/tree/master/src/scope, which may be of interest to you. (I’m no author of that code, I have...