Eloy Durán

Results 250 comments of Eloy Durán

Can you elaborate on the difference in effort needed to add `kind` vs using a different type? Both can be done relatively the same way with a codemod afaik.

I find that a bit patronizing after having spent so much time to read _all_ of your library’s source code. I guess you’re just not open to valid critique.

It may indeed be because of blacklisting. I see that that domain is blacklisted at least twice http://multirbl.valli.org/lookup/turkcell.com.tr.html Do you have access to another email (domain) that you can try?

We cannot alter the blacklist, this is entirely on SendGrid’s and Turkcell’s site. As for transferring ownership, can you please go through https://trunk.cocoapods.org/claims/new so the discussion can be had with...

Pretty sure that was never allowed, but looking at this stack trace it does appear to come out of legit call sites so kinda weird that it would invoke code...

Thanks for the repro steps, we were able to reproduce the issue 👍 While [the docs](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/text#style) state that the `style` prop supports all of the View Style Props, [the Flow...

Actually, we were looking at the wrong code–we should have been looking at [these styles](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/60cf18fad48a8ff74c6f0697d18fee0272e45955/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes.js#L575). So theoretically the docs are correct, in that they are _presumed_ to all work, but...

@pcowgill If you’re interested in spear-heading that effort in the react-native-community org, please contact me at `[email protected]` to get the process started.

Just created the fork and added you, @pcowgill https://github.com/react-native-community/fetch