Gerardo O.

Results 419 comments of Gerardo O.

Hello, are you referring to 404s?

I think this is going to be addressed easly by the **#117** request. Since we already have a Cache Status panel, then you should either be able to filter by...

Got it. So just to sum up, the cache status panel is working fine, but you are looking now to filter out based on the cache status, e.g., hit, miss,...

I could add an `--exclude-request` option but I'm not sure if it's necessary since you could actually do some pre-processing such as: cat access.log | grep -v -f exclude_list.txt |...

Got it. I can certainly add this option. Please keep this open so I can look into it. Thanks!

@pozitron57 have you tried using `--line-buffered` with grep? e.g., tail -f -n +0 access.log | grep --line-buffered -v -f exclude_list.txt | goaccess -

Just an FYI. This request will be addressed by #117. Working on it as we speak — stay tuned!

Currently the city is only shown on the Hostnames/IP panel. There's an outstanding issue to add this under #1926, #750 and related #524 too. Stay tuned!

@UpperCenter I'm thinking this could go out in v1.5, I can certainly bump this up. Thanks for the reminder!

I think this would have to be done within one config file to avoid conflicts between options. I'm thinking something like: ``` log-format %h %^[%d:%^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u"...