Gerardo O.

Results 419 comments of Gerardo O.

@elya5 Have you looked at this [guide]( for apache? it may help get it going with caddy perhaps. Let us know.

What's the output from your browser's console? Also, did you look at that guide I posted before? did it help?

@demifiend9 Thanks a lot for sharing that. @elya5 did that help?

Looking at this post, I don't know if it makes sense on having `ignore-statics=req|panel`. What do you guys think? Should this be simply ignore the whole line if its request...

Awesome, thanks a lot for sharing those findings.

Thanks for bringing this out. Let me take a look at it, I don't think the server has a dual-stack set up.

Hello, #117 will let you do this easily. I'm working on it as we speak and should be coming as soon as I'm on the last stages of it. Stay...

This should do it: goaccess access.log --log-format='{"time_local": "%d:%t %^", "remote_addr": "%h", "remote_user": "%e", "request_method": "%m", "request_uri": "%U", "server_protocol": "%H", "status": "%s", "body_bytes_sent": "%b", "request_time": "%T", "http_referrer": "%R", "http_user_agent": "%u", "requested_domain":...

This should work. Also, please make sure to update your goaccess to the latest version since 0.8.5 is pretty behind. goaccess access.log --log-format='[%d:%t %^] %h %T %^ %v "%r" %s...

Thank a lot for sharing that! It's sad that the i386 support for major Linux distributions like Ubuntu recently started to disappear. Sharing these notes will help folks! I'll keep...