Gerardo O.

Results 419 comments of Gerardo O.

@Habetdin just curious, did you recently get an error?

@Habetdin by the way, I just added `preferred_chain = ISRG Root X1` under `/etc/letsencrypt/renewal/*`. Thanks for the heads up!

Not sure I understand, is this a goaccess issue? are you reading an access log?

Please try: goaccess access.log --log-format='[%d:%t %^] %^ %s %^ %^ %m %^ %v "%U" [%^ %h] [%^ %b] %^"%u" "%R"' --date-format=%d/%b/%Y --time-format=%T

Do you have any sample log lines that I can take a look? Thanks

Sorry for late reply. This should do it: goaccess access.log --log-format='{ "timestamp": "%x", "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "%h", "headers": [{"name": "Host", "value": "%v"}, {"name":"User-Agent", "value": "%u"}], "uri": "%U", "args": "%q", "httpVersion":...

Actually you can use `%e` for the action, e.g., BLOCKED, ALLOWED, etc goaccess access.log --log-format='{ "timestamp": "%x", "action": "%e", "httpRequest": { "clientIp": "%h", "headers": [{"name": "Host", "value": "%v"}, {"name":"User-Agent", "value":...

Are you running v1.5.1 (latest)? Here's what I get for that last line you posted: ![2021-07-28-081632_676x317_scrot](

I'm working on **#117** as we speak, so you should be able to simply filter/search by whatever request you are interested to see and should display the relevant stats. So...

Thanks for posting this. Are you sharing this format or do you have a question about the proper format?